Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sugar Cookies for SANTA???

Lily has been asking to make cookies for Santa for the past few days.  I'm pretty sure this idea started a few days ago at Target.  There was a toy barn with cute little equestrian girl dolls and tiny horses on clearance that she wanted.  We decide to get it and told her she could open and play with it at lunch that day.  Well, we get to Ruby Tuesdays and open the box to find that it only actually included the cute little dolls or horses.  Needless to say, she was beyond devastated. 
Later that day she told me she wanted to go to the mall to tell Santa that she wanted the girls and horses for Christmas.  I tried to explain to her that Santa would not be coming back to our house for a very long time, but I don't think she got it.  In her mind, if she made him cookies he would come!  Hope she's not too disappointed in the morning...

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